Nuestros Concesionarios

When it comes to selecting dealerships to invite into our dealer network, the CarSaver Auto Program must be diligent in the selection process to ensure the dealership’s practices are in line with the CarSaver Auto Program’s standards and that member value is fully supported.

Participating Dealerships must comply with the following…

If a dealership upholds these conditions, the CarSaver Auto Program invites them into the dealer network and establishes low, prearranged pricing on the members behalf for each vehicle the dealership offers.

Even after a dealership is trained and working with CarSaver members, the Auto Program will continually monitor their performance. Our staff of Mystery Shoppers will ‘shop’ the dealer and evaluate the Authorized Contacts, provide feedback and when necessary, retrain. This allows us to quickly identify and resolve any areas that need improvement before member service is affected.

Another member benefit that participating dealerships must commit to is establishing Authorized Dealer Program Managers.

Authorized Dealer Program Managers

Before any member ever steps through the door, the CarSaver Auto Program has already taken lengthy measures to choose top-rated dealers, enforce strict pricing standards and designate and train Authorized Dealer Program Managers – all to ensure member satisfaction.